
Where is the documentation?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I don't see any documentation for this. Is it supposed to be the same as the classic notebook RISE?

I'm running JupyterLab 4.1.2 and don't see how to enable the slideshow cell toolbar. I assume I'm missing something because folks are filing bugs, but a simple pointer to some docs after installation would really be beneficial. Thanks!

I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for, but to make cells (the start of) slides, you click on the gears and get the metadata editor:
Screenshot from 2024-03-30 10-54-54

Other documentation is AFAICT similar to RISE, which only works with jupyter notebook. (Note: for my use case, I'm sticking with that for now; this doesn't seem as good to me yet.)

Hi, at least in my installation, to active the metadata editor, you should select View->Right Sidebar->Show Notebook Tools