
:memo: A curated list of awesome Solidity resources, libraries, tools and more

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A curated list of awesome Solidity resources, libraries, tools and more.

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  • Eris Smart Contract Tutorial - Tutorial series which begins with a very simple smart contract and teaches how to gradually increase the complexity of your contracts with relevant design patterns.
  • Solidity Workshop - Comprehensive series of tutorials covering contract-oriented programming and advanced Solidity.
  • Upgradable Contracts - Medium article on writing upgradable contracts.


  • DigixDAO contracts - Contracts for DAO-related data structures such as tokens.
  • Double-Linked List - Implementation of a double-linked list as a Solidity contract.
  • hello-eris - A HelloWorld NodeJS app for the Eris platform which demonstrates how Solidity contracts and a Node application can interface via JSON RPC.
  • slockit/smart-contract - Solidity smart contracts for the Slock.it project.
  • Solidity Baby Steps - Comprehensive collection of Solidity contract examples.
  • Solidity By Example - Contract examples from the official docs.
  • solidity-examples - Examples which provide a starting point for data structures such as heaps and queues.


  • dapp-bin - Ethereum repo providing implementations for many common data structures and utilities in Solidity, Serpent and LLL.
  • dappsys - A solidity contract system framework for flexible multi-contract dapps.
  • instant-dapp-ide - Complete Dapp and Solidity development environment as a docker image you can run from command line.
  • Solidity Collections - A list of collections of Solidity code and utility libraries.
  • Solidity Standard Library - A proof-of-concept for the Solidity standard library.
  • sqlsol - A solidity event driven SQLite3 cache for syncing with smart contracts.
  • Truffle - Truffle is a development environment, testing framework and asset pipeline for Ethereum, aiming to make life as an Ethereum developer easier.
  • Zeppelin - A framework to build secure smart contracts in Solidity.



  • REPL - Ethereum Solidity REPL CLI.
  • solgraph - Visualize Solidity control flow for smart contract security analysis.
  • Online Compiler - Online Solidity realtime compiler and runtime.


  • Embark - A framework that allows you to easily develop and deploy DApps.


  • solc-js - JavaScript bindings for the Solidity compiler.
  • solidity-parser - Solidity parser built in JavaScript.


  • sol-tester - Utilities for building, linking and testing solidity contracts using go-ethereum and the simulated chain.
  • solcover - Code coverage for Solidity.


Editor Plugins





Visual Studio

  • vscode-solidity - Visual Studio Code language support extension for Solidity.


  • Roulette - A Solidity contract which emulates the game of Roulette.



To the extent possible under law, Ben Kremer has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.