
Simple Implementation of base layers of neural network with NumPy

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Neural Network from scratch with numpy

Little intro

It is an educational repository with a purpose to understand how base layers (such as linear, maxpool, conv2d) work.

Implemented Layers

  1. Full Connected Layer (Linear)
  2. Dropout Layer
  3. Convolutional 2d Layer
  4. Flatten Layer
  5. ReLU Layer
  6. MaxPool2d Layer

Implemented Optimizers

  • SGD

Implemented Losses

  1. Cross Entropy Loss
  2. BCEWithLogitsLoss



To start working with code, please download all required dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt


For educational purpose I made a Simple Solution to regognize MNIST digits.


All layers are covered by tests. In all tests I compare results from my layers and torch implementation. And with the same input data, same parameters of a layers they should give the same results.

To run tests, call this command in a terminal:

python -m unittest discover -v -s ./tests/core -p "*_test.py"