Chronos Logger is a simple Angular 6 application with enterprise features. It's used for study of new and advanced, technologies and tecniques with Angular.
It's a pomodoro like timer with enfase in focus and productive time. Doesn't matter the duration of breaks ;)
- Angular 6
- Angular Material (material design)
- Angular Flex-Layout (flexbox)
- NGRX Platform (redux like using store and effects)
- Reactive forms only
- Change detection: OnPush only
- Pre-programmed timer with multipliers
- Sound alarm
- Basic timer control
- Play/Pause/Resume
- Explicit end of session (registering a log)
- Display log (start time, end time, duration)
- Project support
- Browser notification after time's up
- Change time slot duration
- Service Worker: Notification in footer about new version
- Mobile: Landscape support (new layout)
- Animations
- Negative timer, waiting for explicit end
- Automatic stop after certain negative timer limit
- Persist data (on localStorage, firebase, etc)
- Shortcuts, with global shortcuts support
- OAuth authentication (google maybe)
- Localization
- Translations
- Google Analytics support
- External configuration: Same bundle several targets with different configuration - Feature Toggle?
- Don't show current timer in page title when stopped
- Better icon
- Image for alarm option
- Roboto font
- Digital font for timer
- Fix sound in chrome for android
- Github pages
- Travis for CI
- Build time e git hash
- Upgrade @angular/cli
- Upgrade @angular@6 (release)
- Upgrade @rxjs@6 (release)
- Upgrade @angular/material@6 (release)
- Include some e2e tests
- Include more effect tests