
A Kamailio Auto-Build Image with scripted templating and IPV6 awareness

Primary LanguageShell


This is a Docker Hub autobuild repo with scripted templating to deploy an IPV6 aware Kamailio.

This will deploy painlessly under the ianblenke/aws-6to4-docker-ipv6 repository.

All IPV4 and IPV6 are auto-discovered, with sane fallbacks and defaults.

The docker-compose.yml is an example of what you can docker-compose up using the Docker Hub image built from this repository. The build.yml is an example of how you can iterate locally with docker-compose while changing this project to suit your needs.

There is no authentication enabled by default. Anything can register to this kamailio instance as it stands.

This kamailio will respond to sip:ANYTHING@registrar.A.B.C.D.xip.io:25060, where ANYTHING is literally any username you wish, and A.B.C.D is the public IPV4 address of the server.

Unfortunately, that does not point a DNS name at an IPV6 address. For that, you will need to setup your own DNS domain name record to point at the server.

To add the alias to kamailio for your DNS name record, you will want to change the SIP_DOMAIN environment variable in the docker-compose.yml/build.yml to reflect the DNS name you wish to setup to point to the kamailio server.