
Module for integration Zend Framework 2 and React PHP

Primary LanguagePHP

Zend Framework 2 and React PHP

Build StatusDependency Status

Integration of zend framework 2 and react php


The recommended way to install is through composer.

    "require": {
        "ftdebugger/react-zf2": "dev-master"


Append ReactZF module to config/application.config.php, then type in console

# start default server at http://localhost:1337/
php -f public/index.php react start

Open http://localhost:1337/.


Add configuration to your config/autoload/*

return array(
    'ReactZF' => array(
        'servers' => array(
            // You can rewrite default server options
            'default' => array(
                'port' => 1337,
                'host' => ''

            // Or specify your own
            'some-server-name-you-like' => array(
                'port' => 1338,

                // optional, react use as default
                'host' => ''