
Benchmarks of different DQBF solvers using BenchExec framework

Primary LanguagePython


Benchmarks of different DQBF solvers using BenchExec framework used for my master's thesis and DQBDD tool paper. See the tagged versions for the exact commit used for these.



contains all benchmark sets. See the files explanation.txt inside this folder and its subfolders for an explanation of benchmarks.


contains the raw results of all solvers on all benchmarks where


contains Microsoft Excel files with nicely summarised comparison of solvers for each benchmark (as used in my master's thesis and DQBDD tool paper).


contains executables of DQBF solvers.


contains Benchexec run definition files for all solvers.


contains the python package defining tool-infos for all solvers.

Running the Benchmarks

How to run with benchexec:

Install the package dqbftoolinfos of tool-info modules:

pip3 install tool-infos/

Add the directory with solvers to PATH variable (assuming you are in the DQBFbenchmarks/ directory):


To now run benchexec with a chosen tool do

benchexec benchmark-definitions/benchmark-NAMEOFTOOL.xml

where you replace NAMEOFTOOL with solver you want to run. You can also use -t TASKNAME to run only some benchmarks and -r RUNDEFINITION to run only some definition for a given tool. See BenchExec documentation and the definition files in benchmark-definitions/ for more info.