charon, game data

Provides a class called bigfile_t that acts as a game data archive from which you can load game data by the use of fileid_t. You can have many bigfiles on disk, and you can load their TOC (table of contents) into memory and then load data from the bigfile. A bigfile has an index as an identifier and a fileid_t is a 64-bit identifier that maps to a bigfile and a file in that bigfile.

You can imagine that you have compiled many resources, like textures, models, materials, shaders, sounds, etc. into a bigfile and you can load them into memory and use them in your game.

A typed data (immutable) structure that starts at a root object_t* and that can contain many types of data. This data can be generated using


  • bool, s8, u8, s16, u16, s32, u32, s64, u64, f32
  • vec2f, vec3f, vec4f
  • fileid_t
  • locstr_t
  • string_t
  • color_t
  • object_t*
  • void* (serialized compound, should match C++ structure layout)
  • array<T> (any of the above types)