
The "World Data Report" is a Power BI project that offers a detailed overview of global data, covering weather, geographical, demographic, and socio-economic aspects. The data is sourced from a combination of APIs, web integrations, and local CSV files, providing a valuable resource for analyzing global trends and patterns.

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World Data Report

This repository contains the Power BI report for analyzing various world data metrics, including births, deaths, carbon intensity of electricity, freedom of expression index, GDP, HDI, merchandise exports as GDP, population, life expectancy, expected years of schooling, GNI, and weather forecasts for major cities. Gathers weather data from cities across the globe with a population greater than 15,000. Geography and Demographics: Includes a diverse range of indexes and metrics like population, births, deaths, life expectancy, expected years of schooling, and more. Socio-Economics: Delivers insights on various economic indicators such as GDP, GDP per capita, GNI, and the HDI to gauge economic health and living standards across different regions. The extensive range of data provides a comprehensive view of global trends and patterns, making it an invaluable resource for analysts, policymakers, data enthusiasts, and anyone interested in understanding the world better through data. image image

Getting Started

To use this report, you'll need Power BI Desktop installed on your computer. After cloning or downloading this repository, open the .pbip file in Power BI Desktop.

Configuring Parameters

The report uses several parameters to dynamically load data. Before you can refresh the data in Power BI, you'll need to configure these parameters:

1. PathToData: Set this to the local path where your .csv and .xlsx files are stored. For example, if your data files are located in C:\Users\YourName\Documents\WorldDataReport\Data, you'll set the PathToData parameter to this path.

2. API Key: Some data sources in this report require an API key. You'll need to replace the default API key with your own. Obtain an API key from the respective data provider's website and update the API Key parameter in the report.

Data Files

This report requires the following data files to be placed in the PathToData directory:

  • births-and-deaths-projected-to-2100.csv

  • carbon-intensity-electricity.csv

  • freedom-of-expression-index.csv

  • gdp.csv

  • gdp-per-capita.csv

  • human-development-index.csv

  • merchandise-exports-gdp-cepii.csv

  • population.csv

  • life-expectancy.csv

  • expected-years-of-schooling.csv

  • world-banks-income-groups.csv

  • major_cities.xlsx (For weather forecast data)

Ensure these files are present in your specified PathToData directory before refreshing the data in Power BI.

Creating and Changing the API Key

Create a free account to get an API key here: weatherapi.com

To change the API key:

1. Go to the Transform Data section in Power BI.

2. Navigate to the API Key query under the Parameters folder.

3. Replace the existing value with your new API key.

4. Apply the changes.

Changing the Path to Data Files

To change the path to your data files:

1. Go to the Transform Data section in Power BI.

2. Navigate to the PathToData query under the Parameters folder.

3. Replace the existing path with the path to your data directory.

4. Apply the changes.

Refreshing the Data

Once the parameters are correctly set, you can refresh the data in Power BI to load the latest data from your files and APIs.

Report Usage

Explore the various pages and visuals in the report to analyze the data. Use slicers and filters to narrow down the data and uncover insights.


We welcome contributions to improve the report or fix issues. Please feel free to fork the repository, make changes, and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.