
DotEnv handling for Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Swift build status

DotEnvy is a dotenv file parser for Swift. It allows you to load values from an .env file, similar to the libraries for node.js, Python, Ruby, Rust1 etc.

DotEnvy supports multiline strings and variable substitution.


For more detailed syntax examples and API documentation visit DotEnvy's documentation on Swift Package Index.

Supported format

The dotenv format does not have a specification, but this library supports the common features. The syntax resembles Bash. Examples:

KEY2 = "quoted value"
 KEY3= unquoted value "with" quotes inside
# comment
KEY4 ='quoted value referring to ${KEY3}' # trailing comment
KEY5=unquoted value referring to ${KEY4}

Error reporting

DotEnvy has helpful error reporting on syntax errors.

let source = #"""
do {
    _ = try DotEnvironment.parse(string: source)
} catch let error as ParseErrorWithLocation {
    let formatted = error.formatError(source: source)


   1: KEY="VALUE

Error on line 1: Unterminated quote

Command Line

There's also a command line tool, dotenv-tool. It supports checking dotenv files for syntax errors and converting them to JSON. To install, run:

swift build -c release
cp .build/release/dotenv-tool /usr/local/bin


  1. I accidentally used the same name they use; apologies!