
homepage of delicut.eu

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Developing locally

yarn start

With tunnel to dev machine from anoher PC or mobile

see better optiion below

See https://dashboard.ngrok.com/get-started https://github.com/microsoft/fluentui/wiki/Ngrok

from vs code terminal:

c:/tools/ngrok.exe http -region eu --host-header=rewrite 8080

Grab enerated url from the terminal output and send it to whatever.

*assuming that exe is located c:/tools and web server is running on 8080

*and assuming that ngrok config file already craeted and auth is done.

*CAUTION Reaload on changes will not work because React requests localhost anyway and there is no local server on remote machine.

alternative https://github.com/localtunnel/localtunnel

#Even better alternative within one subnetwork

pass current network IP adress to webpack.devServer.host to make it work. See config.