A lucene query parser generating ElasticSearch queries and more !
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Luqum is using the global lexer by default that may conflict with other libraries using ply
#108 opened by Morikko - 1
Question: Can this support nested queries inside other nested queries? Double nesting?
#107 opened by SamSedivy - 5
Parser fails at double quote character
#98 opened by tehtris-siem - 0
Should allow subclass ENested
#102 opened by maksle - 0
_get_operator_extract in ElasticsearchQueryBuilder should not raise if there is only one children in binary operation
#106 opened by alexgarel - 0
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Add context as parameter to every EAbstractNode created in elasticsearch/visitor.py
#104 opened by alexgarel - 0
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Unknown item type Phrase in LuceneCheck
#95 opened by SleepyMorpheus - 1
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Is there any chance to support ComplexPhraseQuery?
#90 opened by sanowliu - 0
- 0
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Publish a new release of luqum
#84 opened by alexgarel - 4
Parse fails on word commas (eg "hi , bye")
#79 opened by cdrini - 8
Parsing error in multithreading
#72 opened by guozizi - 2
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Visitor example
#77 opened by thierrydecker - 2
Allow to override `E` elements
#73 opened by qcoumes - 4
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inverse ElasticsearchQueryBuilder
#50 opened by elyase - 6
Question: treating untagged words or phrases as "full text search" across multiple (or all) fields
#39 opened by seandavi - 2
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Wrong .tar.gz pypi package
#64 opened by mesemus - 1
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Support Surround Query Parser
#66 opened - 8
How are NOT and - (minus) different?
#65 opened by impredicative - 1
readthedocs is not updated
#62 opened by alexgarel - 3
Bug in base operation
#61 opened by velykanov - 1
Allow forward slash in value of SearchField
#58 opened by impredicative - 3
missing elasticsearch-dsl dependency
#54 opened by Sonic0 - 2
Stop using print in code
#57 opened by impredicative - 2
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Regexp Operator Support
#31 opened by paulo-serrao - 13
Allowing double quotes
#51 opened by stevesmit - 5
SearchField.name with spaces
#49 opened by huntfx - 1
Remove the SEPARATOR token?
#47 opened by huntfx - 2
Docs haven't been built for more than a year
#46 opened by edmcdonagh - 5
dual license?
#43 opened by feng-tao - 9
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Question on behavior of SchemaAnalyzer
#36 opened by seandavi - 2
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Support for "multi-fields" in ES transform
#33 opened by sefaYavuz - 2