
Demo repository for my ReactSummit 2023 talk about Nx as an alternative for React development

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Talk: No CRA? What now?

Open in StackBlitz

This is the demo project for my talk at ReactSummit Amsterdam 2023. I talked about

  • how to use Nx to create a standalone (single-project) React app (similar to CRA)
  • how to modularize code with the help of Nx generators and libraries
  • how to "upgrade" the code into a monorepo
  • how to migrate from an existing CRA app

Running it locally

Just clone the repo and run pnpm i to install all dependencies (using NPM or Yarn should work as well).

Just run pnpm start to star the application. Explore

  • Explore project.json for Nx specific tasks such as serving, building, linting the workspace
  • Explore nx.json for Nx specific configuration such as cacheable operations
  • run pnpm nx dep-graph to see the project graph of the workspace
  • see the modules/orders and modules/products folder for examples of "local libraries" and how they are imported into the app.tsx thanks to the TypeScript path mappings defined in the tsconfig.base.json

Other branches

There are other branches in this repo, such as

  • add-tailwind to show how Tailwind was added to the React application using the setup-tailwind generator from Nx (more here)
  • add-storybook to show how Storybook was added to the modules/orders library using the storybook-configuration generator (more here)
  • monorepo for an example how the workspace could be transformed into a monorepo as it grows for adding more apps using Next.js and/or Remix and beyond

What else

Here's a couple of potentially interesting links: