- 0
Cannot read property '1' of null
#42 opened by mohamedHassanKa - 2
Cannot read property '1' of null
#41 opened by abenhamdine - 7
Ext.namespace is not a function error
#40 opened by vredevoogda - 0
Please add typescript definition
#39 opened by abenhamdine - 1
- 2
Are Koa's context request/respone supposed to supported in the future?
#24 opened by nikolaybobrovskiy - 5
Wrong url is computed at request `/directapi`
#36 opened by khusamov - 1
Replace dots in classpath - router.js
#37 opened by dec87 - 1
More than one apiPath
#34 opened by androme13 - 1
Please add support for CRSF to the example.
#10 opened by tohagan - 1
New metadata property support
#27 opened by nikolaybobrovskiy - 0
Improve callback support
#30 opened by jurisv - 14
Cannot read property 'extAction' of undefined
#28 opened by zanzara - 1
- 2
nodejs constantly crashes on OSX (Yosemite)
#32 opened by Reggae13 - 1
- 1
- 2
- 1
extdirect does not run with Passenger
#19 opened by jgrocha - 8
Please check in a complete working sample under a separate extdirect.example repo.
#9 opened by tohagan - 0
serving Direct API from same server as web app, don't want url to say protocol://server:port
#14 opened by srguiwiz - 1
- 4
Add access to req object
#12 opened by jurisv - 2
- 4
- 1
- 1
Add CORS support
#6 opened by jurisv - 1
Incorrect URL for /direct
#5 opened by shikhirsingh - 3
#4 opened by whito - 2
Thankyou for this awesome module.
#1 opened by kgrieger - 1
public/index.html and /directapi script
#3 opened by pward123 - 3
May be add some modifications
#2 opened by amb4eg