
pix2pix (and cGAN) ROS node

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Pix2Pix ROS nodešŸ¦š

pix2pix (and possibly cGAN) ROS node. It is built (mostly copied) upon the CycleGAN and Pix2Pix GitHub Repo

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pix2pix (and possibly cGAN) ROS node. It is built (mostly copied) upon the (CycleGAN and Pix2Pix GitHub Repo)[https://github.com/junyanz/pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix] the Mar14 2023 edition. Made to fit the RGB-> NDVI conversion, trained in a vineyard.


There is just a single Node with listener:subscriber_member_function, (ros2 run p2p_ros listener) listens to the /input_pix2pix_img topic (sensor_msgs:Image), converts the ros Image to a torch-tensor, normalizes it, and runs it through the loaded pix2pix model. This is then converted back into a ros Image msg and published under the /output_pix2pix_img topic, mostly using the cv_bridge functions.

Input image requirements are expected to be 256*256 and 3 RGB channels. Otherwise it will probably crash.

We are in Deep Learning territory here, so real-time conversions at 60FPS, I am not sure if pix2pix can achieve that. but tested at 0.2FPS which was okay.

Dev notes

Essentially using the original junyanz github functions etc to pass images through the model. This also means it uses their naming schemes etc. It expects a latest_net_G.pth pretrained model under p2p/weights/ndvi_p2p.

If you want to add your own model, change up this file. Or add your own experiment under p2p/weights/experiment_name. Then in the p2p/options/base_options change the experiment name variable. Additionally, change the options to align with your training settings. Also change the ndvi_p2p name in setup.py:data_files to your experiment_name.

("share/" + package_name + "/p2p/weights/ndvi_p2p", glob('p2p_ros/p2p/weights/ndvi_p2p/*.pth')), 
("share/" + package_name + "/p2p/weights/ndvi_p2p", glob('p2p_ros/p2p/weights/ndvi_p2p/*.txt')),

Tested only in ROS2 Humble.


  1. cd into your ros_ws/src/ folder,
  2. git clone this repository,
  3. download a latest_net_G.pth file and place it in p2p/weights/ndvi_p2p.
  4. installation requirements:
sudo apt install python3-opencv
sudo apt install libboost-python-dev
sudo apt install ros-humble-vision-opencv
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. colcon build it
# Test codes
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
source rosdev_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 run image_publisher image_publisher_node test.jpg --ros-args -r image_raw:=input_pix2pix_img -p publish_rate:=0.2



This project is funded by the European Union, grant ID 101060643.
