- 1
Print to Remarkable not working
#317 opened by LaurentGarcia - 8
rmapi stopped working
#312 opened by econcz - 1
Failed to generate annotations for recalendar
#302 opened by nicolabotta - 0
Accept file extension rmdoc
#316 opened by qwert2003 - 0
Status code 429 on Put
#315 opened by txoof - 0
Put from "outside" rmapi
#314 opened by leandrochiarini - 0
Cannot install rmapi
#310 opened by giovi321 - 1
Is there a similar project to rmapi in nodejs?
#309 opened by doebi - 3
Errors thrown when attempting to use geta
#292 opened by dkoenigsberg - 3
- 1
geta fails ("no uuid pagemap")
#307 opened by bbolker - 0
- 1
one-time code as parameter to binary?
#304 opened by jonwhittlestone - 0
- 7
Documents tree build fails every time
#296 opened by fe-dox - 5
Fails when registering new one time code
#238 opened by jordanstreiff - 3
Is `nuke` really necessary ?
#297 opened by LiteApplication - 1
How to configure rmapi to access rmfakecloud
#299 opened by giovi321 - 2
Not working with latest rmfakecloud
#298 opened by y0grt - 4
File can't be found if "/" is in file name.
#286 opened by Mikowmer - 0
Account for blank pagedata
#294 opened by sternj - 2
Can print to RM from Preview; not from Safari
#291 opened by sshiva01 - 4
Pages created with the 3.0.0 Beta are blank when exporting to PDF via geta
#264 opened by brandonkboswell - 11
Permanent deletion and reverting of files in the cloud
#285 opened by evavh - 23
failed to build documents tree, last error: failed to fetch document tree request failed with status 500
#274 opened by edef1c - 9
Authorization fails
#284 opened by maximiliankir - 3
Failed to create user token from device token
#283 opened by evavh - 3
Option to turn off 1.5 sync warning
#250 opened by gleich - 0
"Print to ReMarkable" outputs "unnamed document"
#273 opened by nickmurison - 0
- 9
- 1
Just a typo
#261 opened by arjenpdevries - 1
- 2
On-demand "context" initialization
#248 opened by indeyets - 2
Changing Output directory
#255 opened by dmf3k - 5
Sync job errors on timestamps since 0.0.20
#246 opened by timstoop - 1
Documentation / README install from source typo?
#252 opened by kjcole - 0
rmput in docker container now copies from root directory
#251 opened by wrimle - 0
Add support for tags metadata
#249 opened by faroit - 12
Debugging/testing protocol version 1.5
#244 opened by rorycl - 3
- 0
Pulling file lists programmatically is also pulling the warnings about 1.5 sync
#243 opened by saccentekennedy - 0
Sync error after uploading file to rM
#231 opened by abmantis - 0
Move all files in a directory (non-interactive)
#242 opened by gebo11 - 1
Install from source broken
#235 opened by dvdsk - 1
NEWB changed Remarkable account
#236 opened by malaninnova - 0
NaN modification dates when files are uploaded
#237 opened by darthoctopus - 2
Highliter Annotations not visible in exported PDF
#234 opened by conamu - 0
Metadata is not downloaded with `get`
#233 opened by czarrar - 0