
A quick-n-dirty implementation of the IR NEC protocol using the standard Toit RMT library. Impress your friends by turning their TV off with an ESP32!

Primary LanguageToitMIT LicenseMIT


A quick-n-dirty implementation of the IR NEC protocol using the standard Toit RMT library. Impress your friends by turning their TV off with an ESP32!

Encode, transmit, receive, and decode IR pulses using the standard RMT library and the #NEC IR protocol.

The NEC IR protocol lets you send/receive just two bytes: address and command.

Note: The code in this package isn't well tested (other than sending various numbers back and forth), so expect bugs and most likely less than ideal performance. It'd be great to have a robust IR package for Toit (that supports other protocols too) - if you find any bugs or have suggestsions, please create an issue or a pull-request!


To transmit: Connect an IR LED (with a suitable resistor) to a GPIO pin on your ESP32. To receive: Connect an IR receiver with the signal pin connected to a GPIO pin on your ESP32. Most receivers have 3 pins: 3.3V, signal, and ground.

Tip: For testing purposes you can just hook up the receiver and the transmitter on the same board using different GPIO pins.


The library provides two classes Transmitter and Receiver. Both constructors expect a gpio.Pin as the first argument. The pin is configured in the class constructor.

Use Transmitter.send --address=10 --command=100 to send data. Use Receiver.read to listen for IR signals. This method returns a ByteArray with two bytes when a signal is successfully received and decoded.


You can enable verbose debug level logging by passing in a log.Log instance to the --logger argument on Transmitter and Reciever. You can also change the default logger level - see example below.


Connect your IR LED (positive lead) to GPIO 17 and the signal pin of your IR receiver to pin 18.

import gpio
import ..src.transmitter
import ..src.receiver
import log

  log.set-default (log.default.with-level log.INFO-LEVEL)
  tx-pin := gpio.Pin.out 17
  tx := Transmitter tx-pin

  rx-pin := gpio.Pin.out 18
  rx := Receiver rx-pin

  while 1:
    tx.send 10 100
    sleep --ms=2000