Took a professional headshot to upload onto Linkedin, but realized that you had a big pimple on your forehead that you can't get rid of? This code is for you!

This code uses gradient based matching; it finds the gradient in the x and y direction in the border of the ROI and interpolates them along the region. As long as the region you select is generally in a uniformly shaded area, it should work great!

Create a conda environment and set up dependencies via

conda create --name env-name python=3.6
conda install -c menpo opencv

Sometimes installing opencv from conda menpo does not come with some of the functions. If a "re-run cmake" error comes up, install the other dependencies via pip:

pip install opencv-contrib-python

Then run python Select the Top Left point, then the Bottom Right point of an ROI around the pimple. The example image is pulled from google images.


Input Output


  • Implement circular ROI instead of rectangular
  • Better user interface
  • Other interpolation methods