
PHP5 library for the DuckDuckGo Zero-click Info API

Primary LanguagePHP

The DuckDuckGo PHP5 API


  • This API requires PHP v5.3 or higher, due to the use of namespaces. A namespaceless version will be available later.
  • This API is still experimental - please report any and all bugs using the ticket system.


To use the DuckDuckGo PHP5 API in your application, include DuckDuckGo/API.php where you want to use the API, create a new instance of the DuckDuckGo\API class, and use it to improve the world!


$api = new DuckDuckGo\API();
$api->secure = TRUE;
$ircInfo = $api->zeroClickQuery('Internet Relay Chat');
echo $ircInfo->definition;


Due the use of JavaDoc, documentation can easily be generated from the files using e.g. Doxygen. A pre-generated version of the documentation will be supplied in the near future.


Hit me up a message, or file a ticket! :) For quicker response, try catching me on IRC on #duckduckgo @ irc.freenode.net.