This mod will be the bridge between ProjectE and all my your favourite mods!
I am currenty stumped by a road block for a while and I have been quite busy. Sadly this has resulted in halted progress. I will pick up the mod later.
PEI will be adding ProjectE conversion mapping support to these mods crafting mechanics.
This means you will not have to manually set EMC for these mods recipes, instead, this mod will tell ProjectE about
these recipes and what they mean. This means you can use ProjectE built-in commands to setEMC and reloadEMC on the
fly without having to worry about having to manually set the EMC for all items affected.
PEI will later on also be adding EMC to the mods Items that don't have emc assigned to it.
Mod Support is split into separate plugin categories:
- ArmorPlus: Workbench (Normal, High-Tech, Ultimate and Champion)
- Artisan Worktables
- Chisel: Group Variants
- Extended Crafting: Combination, Compressor, Ender Crafting Table and Tiered Crafting Table
- Modular Machinery: All machines, only supports Item and Fluids for now
- Astral Sorcery: Altar, Grindstone, Starlight Infusion
- Blood Magic: Alchemy Array, Alchemy Table, Blood Altar and Tartaric Forge
- Botania: Elven Trade, Petal Apothacary, Pure Daisy, Mana Infusion and Rune Altar
- Embers: Alchemy, Melting, Mixing and Stamper
- Embers Rekindled: Uses the same plugin for normal embers
- ExtraBotany: Pedestal
- Mystical Agriculture: Seed Reprocessor
- Psi
- Thaumcraft: Arcane, Crucible and Infusion
- Avaritia: Exteme Crafting Table and Compressor
- Pam's HarvestCraft: Grinder, Presser, Water Filter and Market
- Tinkers Construct: Alloying, Drying and Melting
- Woot
- Galacticraft: Circuit Fabricator, Compressor and NASA workbench.
- Actually Additions: Crusher, Atomic Reconstructor, Empowerer
- Applied Energistics: Condenser, Fluix Crystals, Grindstone, Inscriber and Purfication Crystals
- Calculator
- Compact Machines: Miniaturization
- Draconic Evolution: Fusion
- EnderIO: Alloy Smelter, Sag Mill, Slice and Splice, Vat and Soul Binder
- Forestry: Carpenter, Fabricator, Fermenter, Moistener, Squezzer and Still
- GregTechCE
- Immersive Engineering: Blast Furnace, Coke Oven, Crusher, Enginner Workbench, Kiln and Metal Press
- Industrial Craft: Blast Furnace, Block Cutter, Centrifuge, Compressor, Extractor, Macerator, Metal Former, Ore Washer, Electrolyzer and Fermenter
- Mekanism
- NuclearCraft: Overhauled
- PneumaticCraft: Repressurized: Amardon, Assembly, Explosion Crafting, Heat Frame Cooling, Pressure Chamber, Refinery, Thermopneumatic Processing Plant
- Tech Reborn: Rolling Machine
- Thermal Expansion: All Machines
- CraftTweaker See the wiki for more info
This mod was inspired by Expanded Equivalence and was started because I tried to work on Expanded Equivalence by decided it would be better to make a separate mod that does everything without Core Modding.
- Issues and Suggestions must be made on the GitHub Repo Issue tracker
- Any comments with issues and/or suggestions will be ignored. (In fact. Comments have been disabled for this reason)
- Some items with subtypes don't seem to be working properly
I do not have a proper maven setup yet (just don't think I will need one). I do support JitPack though.
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
provided 'com.tagnumelite:ProjectE-Integration:'
- 1.13.X: Support isn't planned
- 1.14.X: I may release a version at some point
- 1.15.X: I will start working on this version after ProjectE finalises their API and releases a 'release' build
You may include this in a private or public modpack as long as you give credit. You don't need to ask for permission.