
library to access the internet banking area of "Deutsche Kreditbank" to get account information and transactions

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dkb-robo is a python library to access the internet banking area of "Deutsche Kreditbank" to fetch

  • account information and current balances
  • transactions from creditcards and checking accounts (Girokonten)
  • query the content of "DKB Postbox"
  • get standing orders (Dauerauftrag)
  • get information about credit limits and exemption orders (Freistellungsauftrag)

Starting from version 0.9 dkb-robo can handle the 2nd factor DKB introduced to fulfill the PSD2 obligations. Starting from September 2019 logins must be confirmed by either

  • one of the two DKB-Banking apps
  • Insertion of a TAN created by either ChipTan method or TAN2Go app

The introduction of a 2nd factor does limit the usage of dkb-robo for automation purposes. DKB is unfortunately not willing/ not able not allowed to open their PSD2-API for non-Fintechs. I discussed this with them for weeks at some point they stopped responding to my emails so I gave up.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.


To run dkb-robo on your system you need

Please make sure python and all the above modules had been installed successfully before you start any kind of testing.


via Pypi

> pip install dkb_robo

manually for all users

  1. download the archive and unpack it
  2. enter the directory and run the setup script
> python setup.py install

manually for a single user

  1. download the archive and unpack it
  2. move the "dkb_robo" subfolder into the directory your script is located


A bill of material of the packages coming along wiht dkb-robo will be automatically created during build process and stored in my SBOM respository


you need to import dkb-robo into your script

> from dkb_robo import DKBRobo

create a new DKBRobo context handler and login to DKB portal

> with DKBRobo(dkb_user, dkb_password, tan_insert, debug) as dkb:
  • dbk_user: username to access the dkb portal
  • dkb_password: corresponding login password
  • tan_insert: (True/False) TAN usage - dbk-robo will ask for a TAN (generated by either ChipTan or TAN2go) during login
  • debug: (True/False) Debug mode

After login you can return the

  • the last login date
> print(dkb.last_login)
14.03.2019, 13:19 Uhr
  • a dictionary containing a list of your accounts, the actual balance and a link to fetch the transactions
> from pprint import pprint
> pprint(dkb.account_dic)
{0: {'account': u'DExx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xx',
     'amount': -9999.99,
     'date': u'15.03.2017',
     'details': u'https://www.dkb.de/banking/finanzstatus?$event=details&row=0&group=0',
     'name': u'checking account',
     'transactions': u'https://www.dkb.de/banking/finanzstatus?$event=paymentTransaction&row=0&group=0',
     'type': 'account'},
 1: {'account': u'DExx xxx xxxx xxxx xxx xx',
     'amount': 999999.99,
     'date': u'15.03.2017',
     'details': u'https://www.dkb.de/banking/finanzstatus?$event=details&row=1&group=0',
     'name': u'savings account',
     'transactions': u'https://www.dkb.de/banking/finanzstatus?$event=paymentTransaction&row=1&group=0',
     'type': 'account'},
 2: {'account': u'XXXX********XXXX',
     'amount': 0.0,
     'date': u'15.03.2017',
     'details': u'https://www.dkb.de/banking/finanzstatus?$event=details&row=2&group=0',
     'name': u'first creditcard',
     'transactions': u'https://www.dkb.de/banking/finanzstatus?$event=paymentTransaction&row=2&group=0',
     'type': 'creditcard'},
 3: {'account': u'XXXX********XXXX',
     'amount': -9999.99,
     'date': u'15.03.2017',
     'details': u'https://www.dkb.de/banking/finanzstatus?$event=details&row=3&group=0',
     'name': u'second creditcard',
     'transactions': u'https://www.dkb.de/banking/finanzstatus?$event=paymentTransaction&row=3&group=0',
     'type': 'creditcard'}}

to get the list of transactions for a certain checking account or a credit card use the following method

tlist = dkb.get_transactions(link, type, date_from, date_to)
  • link - link to get transactions for a specific account - see former step if you do not know how to get it
  • type - account type (either "account" or "creditcard") - see former step if you do not know how to get it
  • date_from - start date in European notation (DD.MM.YYYY)
  • date_to - end date in European notation (DD.MM.YYYY)
  • transaction_type - optional: "booked" (default if not specified) or "reserved" ("vorgemerkt")

this method returns a list of transactions in the below format

> from pprint import pprint
> pprint(tlist)
[{'amount': 0.16,
  'amount_original': u'',
  'date': u'13.03.2017',
 {'amount': -12.50,
  'amount_original': u'',
  'date': u'12.03.2017',
  'text': u'Lastschrift PREBIFIX GmbH K111631 Anz 10'},
 {'amount': -18,82,
  'amount_original': u'-27,34 CAD',
  'date': u'12.03.2017',
  'text': u'SENS HOUSEOTTAWA'}]

to get the credit limits per account or credit-card the method get_credit_limits() must be used

> c_list = dkb.get_credit_limits()

This method returns a dictionary of all identified accounts including the credit limit per account

{u'XXXX********XXXX': 100.00,
 u'4748********XXXX': 10000.00,
 u'XXXX********XXXX': 10000.00,

A list of standing orders (Daueraufträge) can be obtained by calling get_standing_orders() method

> so = dkb.get_standing_orders()

A list of standing orders will be returned containing a dictionary per standing order

> pprint(so)
[{'amount': 900.0,
  'interval': u'1. monatlich 01.03.2017',
  'purpose': u'Rate FKB 1234567890',
  'recipient': u'FOO BANK'},
 {'amount': 100.0,
  'interval': u'1. monatlich gel\xf6scht',
  'purpose': u'TRANSACTION',
  'recipient': u'ANY RECIEVER'}]

The method get_exemption_order() can be used to get the exemption orders (Freistellungsaufträge)

> exo = dkb.get_exemption_order()

A dictionary similar to the one below will be returned

> pprint(exo)
{1: {'amount': 1602.0,
     'available': 1602.0,
     'description': u'Gemeinsam mit XXXX XXXX',
     'used': 0.0,
     'validity': u'01.01.2017  unbefristet'}}

To get the amount of dkb points the below method can be used

> points_dic = dkb.get_points()

A dictionary similar to the below will be returned

> pprint(points_dic)
{u'DKB-Punkte': 99999,
 u'davon verfallen zum  31.12.2018': 999}

To scan the DKB postbox for documents the below method can be used

> document_dic = dkb.scan_postbox(path, download_all, archive, prepend_date)
  • path - optional argument. If specified, documents will be downloaded and stored
  • dowload_all (True/False) - optional argument. By default only unread documents from DKB postbox will get downloaded and marked as "read". By setting this parameter all documents will be downloaded
  • archive (True/False) - optional argument. When set to True the "Archiv" folder in the Postbox will be scanned and documents will be downloaded if a path variable is specificed. Handle this parameter with care as the amount of documents to be downloaded can be huge.
  • prepend_date (True/False) - optional argument. Prepend document date in YYYY-MM-DD_ format to each document to allow easy sorting of downloaded files

The method will return a dictionary containing the different postbox folders and links to download the corresponding documents

Check the scripts dkb_example.py and dkb_docdownload.py for further examples.

dkb_robo command line interface (CLI)

Starting with v0.20 dkb_robo comes with a CLI tool

$ dkb --help
Usage: dkb [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -d, --debug                     Show additional debugging
  -t, --use-tan                   dbk-robo will ask for a TAN (generated by
                                  either ChipTan or TAN2go) during login
  -u, --username TEXT             username to access the dkb portal
  -p, --password TEXT             corresponding login password
  --format [pprint|table|csv|json]
                                  output format to use
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Example command to fetch account list

> py dkb -u <user> -p <password> accounts

Example commands to fetch transactions via CLI tool

> py dkb -u <user> -p <password> transactions --name Girokonto
> py dkb -u <user> -p <password> transactions --account "DE75 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx"

Further documentation

please check the doc folder of the project. You will find further documentation and an example scripts of all dkb-robo methods there.


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on my code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests. Please note that I have a life besides programming. Thus, expect a delay in answering.


I use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is licensed under the GPLv3 - see the LICENSE.md file for details