
Automated docker update service

Primary LanguageRuby



Tool designed to help with the management of single docker host. It's main goal is for a specific container or all containers running on the localhost to determine if a newer version of its image is available. If yes it can stop, remove, and restart the container using the newest image.

I personally use this in a crontab that runs periodically that checks for updated images daily. But is also useful for re-deploying containers after updates.


######Show run command for container(s) docker-aid.rb -c mycontainer -s or docker-aid.rb -a -s

######List info about conatiner(s) docker-aid.rb -c mycontainer -l or docker-aid.rb -a -l

######Refresh container(s) with newest version docker-aid.rb -c mycontainer -r or docker-aid.rb -a -r

######Force refresh container(s) with newest version docker-aid.rb -c mycontainer -r -f or docker-aid.rb -a -r -f

Usage: docker-auto.rb -c[--container] <container name or id> [options]
    -c, --container NAME or ID       Container to run on
    -a, --all                        do for all containers
    -s, --showcommand                Show run command
    -l, --list                       List container info
    -r, --refresh                    Refresh container if needed
    -f, --force                      Force refresh of container