
Documenting my journey into kube pi clustering


Documenting my journey into kube pi clustering



1 - Install Rasbian lite on SD cards

  • Download Rasberry Imaging tool - https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/
  • Load latest version of Rasbiean Lite onto SD cards (2021-01-11 at time of writing) 2 - Change password from default (security is important) 3 - Enable SSH
  • Several ways to do this, but I happen to have setup easy console access.
    • Login via console
    • sudo raspi-config
    • Select Interfacing Options
    • Select SSH and enable it
    • Exit 4 - Upgrade to latest version of Rasbian becuase you put off doing this for over 6 months :D.
  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt full-upgrade
  • sudo reboot