
How to create a simple "HELLO WORLD" SlackBot project from command line with Twilio Autopilot.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SlackBot Assistant :octocat:

Creating a project with Twilio Autopilot :

  • Create an account if you don't have one. Go to Twilio.

  • Go to Twilio, select Products and then, Autopilot.

  • Give a name to your project.

Turn your Assistant into a Slackbot :

  • Visit Slack, then:

    • Create a new Public Slack Channel.

    • Create a new Outgoing Webhook integration in Slack.

    • The custom Slack Outgoing Webhook URL for your Assistant takes this form:


      • As you can see, you'll need two pieces of information from Twilio to complete this URL:

        Account SID (Find it in Twilio Console list)

        Assistant SID

    • Give a name to your Bot. The name you give it is the one you will see when you invoke the bot in Slack.

    • Remember, Trigger Word(s) are required if no Channel is chosen.

In the files provided you will find these fields, change the "xxx" for your information:



Assistant SID

command for assistant and task creation 💻:

node Assistant.js

node Task.js

Note: This files are a simple way for assistant and assistant task creation, using Twilio Autopilot and Slack Outgoing WebHook app.