
Echo bridge between IRC and Discord, created to learn Elixir and OTP.

Primary LanguageElixir


Discord to IRC to Discord bridge. Echoes chat between a Discord channel and an IRC channel.


Tested with Elixir 1.8 and Erlang OTP 21.


  • Clone the repository
  • Run mix deps.get
  • Run mix compile
  • Create a configuration by copying config/confix.exs to config/dev.exs and filling in the blanks.
  • Execute with iex iex -S mix


  • Create a production configuration by copying config/confix.exs to config/prod.exs and filling in the blanks.
  • Generate default release configuration mix release.init
  • Run MIX_ENV=prod mix release --env=prod to build a deployable tar archive with included Erlang runtime
  • The release will be built to _build/prod/rel/ircord/releases/VERSION
  • Read more from the Distillery documentation: https://hexdocs.pm/distillery/


  • Create an upgrade release MIX_ENV=prod mix release --upgrade --upfrom=0.1.0 --env=prod
  • Upload the resulting tarball from _build/prod/rel/ircord/releases/VERSION/ircord.tar.gz to the server, into <deployment_root>/releases/VERSION/ircord.tar.gz
  • Run bin/ircord upgrade 0.2.0
  • That's it (unless the upgrade requires something complicated like mutating genserver states)


There is a premade Dockerfile for building a release for Centos 7.3.1611

  • Build the Docker image docker build -t centos-elixir:7.3.1611 .
  • Run a shell in the image, mapping your code directory inside the container docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/usr/local/src/ircord centos-elixir:7.3.1611 /bin/bash
  • Inside the container:
    • cd /usr/local/src/ircord
    • mix release.init
    • MIX_ENV=prod mix release --env=prod
  • The release will be built to _build/prod/rel/ircord/releases/VERSION
  • Deploy to your server rsync -avz _build/prod/rel/ircord/ <username>@<hostname>:<path>/ircord


There is a premade Dockerfile for building a release for Ubuntu 18.04

  • Build the Docker image docker build -t ubuntu-elixir:18.04 -f Dockerfile-ubuntu .
  • Follow the Centos instructions