⚠️ Do not use this! Since v 5.0, react-styleguidist itself works with create-react-app just well.


react-styleguidist integration for create-react-app


If you already have project built with create-react-app, you need to do the following to get styleguides for your components:

  1. npm install react-app-styleguidist --save-dev
  2. add the following line into your scripts section of your package.json:
"styleguide": "styleguidist server ./src/App.js"

Then run npm run styleguide and you will see styleguide with your App component. If you have different components structure, you should update this section according to your preferences, for example './src/components/**/!(*.test).js'. This pattern will match all your components files, except tests.

Also, there is an example folder, that contains sample project with all necessary setup.

Customize styleguide

See react-styleguidist main documentation for more details.


For some more advanced features you might need to change some configuration options. This package supposed to be zero-configuration tool (except components paths), so you need to use react-styleguidist directly. To do this, you can run eject command and follow the instructions in the terminal:

./node_modules/.bin/styleguidist eject

This command will add styleguide.config.js with all previously used options, but now they are belong to yor project, so you can edit them.