
A small example project using Kubernetes Horiztonal Pod Autoscalers

Primary LanguageGo

Playing with HPA

This small demo is an example of how to use horizontal pod autoscaling for scaling out workloads by CPU usage metrics in Kubernetes.

The applications included:

  • batch: for starting new jobs
  • worker: for "calculating interest"
  • counter: keeping track of how many jobs have reported being done.

All three are built as a single binary and they use the variable job to determine what to run.

The queue chosen for this project is NSQ.

The k8s/ directory contains yaml for deployment to a Kubernetes environment.

Before you run

Install metrics-server

Clone https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/metrics-server.git

kubectl apply -f deploy/1.8+

Edit the deployment

kubectl edit deployment/metrics-server -n kube-system

add the flags within args:

 - --kubelet-insecure-tls
 - --kubelet-preferred-address-types=InternalIP,ExternalIP,Hostname

Save and exit

How to run


Build the image and push it to a registry that your cluster has access to docker build -t MY_IMAGE:TAG .

Modify the k8s/*.yaml files' image bit to reference your image.

Deploy to K8s

kubectl apply -f k8s/

Port forward the batch bit

kubectl port-forward service/batch 8080

Open http://localhost:8080/ in the browser

Ctrl + C to stop it

Now forward the counter

Port forward the batch bit

kubectl port-forward service/counter 8080

Open http://localhost:8080/get in the browser


kubectl top pods
kubectl top nodes
kubectl logs -f <pods/BATCH_POD_ID>