Primary LanguageJavaScript


##What is it? EVOX is a 3D life simulator game where you can create your own landscapes and populate them with creatures. Each creature has its own set of abilities on top of basic behaviors such as procreation and death, and you can observe over time how the combination of these skillsets affect the balance of the ecosystem. EVOX is inspired by Conway's Game of Life, and the fundamental concept is to visualize the theory of evolution. To learn more:

Play the game: www.evox.life
Watch an overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVJ3vTde7nQ

##How to play After creating an account, head to the Creatures page and choose between building your own creature from scratch, or modifying one of the available default creatures. This will lead you to the creature builder.

####Builder Click anywhere on the grid to place a voxel. The default color () is a placeholder and will not render in the game. Use this to fill up any parts of the creature that will never be exposed (e.g. inside) to assist you with construction and reduce rendering time during gameplay. The grid clearly indicates which way the creature should be facing in order for it to move around sensibly on the map.
To delete a voxel, hold down shift and click.
To create many voxels by clicking and dragging, hold down alt.
To change a color on the palette, right click to open the color picker.
Images saved from the users tab or exported as a png can be rendered in the builder by simply dragging and dropping the file onto the builder grid.

####Worlds Once you've created a creature that you want to proceed with, navigate to the Worlds page and create your own environment. After providing a name, you'll be presented with three types of environments, each one with its own versions of predator and prey:

Environment Predator Prey
Grassland Fox Turtle
Desert Crocodile, Lion Giraffe, Elephant
Ice Wolf Penguin, Deer, Beaver

Define the size of the landscape, the terrain type (flat/multilevel), then save. To play the world, select it and click play.

####Gameplay You can interact with the world using the control panel on the top right.
Game Settings: Slow down, pause, or speed up time, and save the game at any point.

Actions: Spawn grass, remove grass, plant a tree, remove a voxel, add small prey, and view game info.

Click on a creature to get its stats, which are updated in real time. If they are a carnivore and get too hungry, you can feed them with small prey in the control panel. In addition to creature stats, you can observe their activity from the icons that appear above them:

Icon Meaning
Searching for food due to high hunger
Attempting to herd with same species - exhibited by prey to reduce attack by predators
Procreating - occurs when animals are healthy and life cycles are in sync
Death (next version release)

####Time At 1X speed, a second IRL equates to 4 minutes IG. 1 day cycle IG = 1 month IG

IG 1x 2X 4X
1 day cycle 6 m 3m 90s
1 month 6 m 3m 90s
1 year 1h12m 36m 18m
