
Python implementation for the paper "Iterative feature normalization for emotional speech detection" by Busso et. al. published at ICASSP 2011

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Iterative feature normalization

This repository contains a Python implementation for the paper:

Iterative Feature Normalisation for Emotional Speech Recognition Carlos Busso, Angeliki Metallinou and Shrikanth S. Narayanan ICASSP 2011

The code can be used to generate the results given in the paper on the RAVDESS dataset.

Running the code

The detailed steps for running the script have been described below:

Data Pre-processing

  • First download the RAVDESS dataset and unzip it.
  • Now, you can use dataprocessor.py to process this dataset into the input format required by the IFN script.
$ python3 dataprocessor.py --help

usage: dataprocessor.py [-h] [--data_dir DATA_DIR] [--out_emo OUT_EMO]
                        [--out_ref OUT_REF]

Preprocessing script for the RAVDESS dataset for IFN input

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --data_dir DATA_DIR  Main directory of the RAVDESS dataset
  --out_emo OUT_EMO    Path where emotional corpus will be saved
  --out_ref OUT_REF    Path where neutral reference corpus will be saved

  • The reference corpus will consist of a single neutral class clip, randomly selected from each speaker (so 24 data points).
  • The rest of the file go into the emotional corpus.

Running IFN

  • Now that we have the data files processed, it is time to run IFN!
  • You can use ifn.py to run the normalization procedure on the dumped corpus.
$ python3 ifn.py --help
usage: ifn.py [-h] --ref_corpus REF_CORPUS --emo_corpus EMO_CORPUS
              [--analysis] --log_dir LOG_DIR [--enable_neutral] [--feat FEAT]
              [--max_iter MAX_ITER] [--ss_iter SS_ITER] [--nlabel NLABEL]
              [--elabel ELABEL] [--test_size TEST_SIZE]
              [--norm_scheme NORM_SCHEME] [--neu_threshold NEU_THRESHOLD]
              [--spkr_file_threshold SPKR_FILE_THRESHOLD]
              [--switch_threshold SWITCH_THRESHOLD]

Script for running Iterative Feature Normalization.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --ref_corpus REF_CORPUS
                        dump of the reference corpus
  --emo_corpus EMO_CORPUS
                        dump of the emotional corpus
  --analysis            if you want to generate detailed results for your run,
                        similar to the paper.
  --log_dir LOG_DIR     log directory where you want to dump all results
  --enable_neutral      follow "neutral" scheme for training
  --feat FEAT           list of features to be used. See README for options.
  --max_iter MAX_ITER   maximum no. of iterations for an IFN simulation
  --ss_iter SS_ITER     number of IFN simulations to perform. (only matters
                        with --analysis flag)
  --nlabel NLABEL       label for neutral instance
  --elabel ELABEL       label for emotioal instance
  --test_size TEST_SIZE
                        test size at the time of analysis. (only matters with
                        --analysis flag)
  --norm_scheme NORM_SCHEME
                        normalization scheme ('ifn', 'none', 'opt', 'global')
  --neu_threshold NEU_THRESHOLD
                        likelihood threshold for claddifying an instance as
  --spkr_file_threshold SPKR_FILE_THRESHOLD
                        minimum number of files to be classified as neutral
                        for each speaker
  --switch_threshold SWITCH_THRESHOLD
                        minimum files to switch for IFN to continue

Important notes

  • The --norm_scheme can have 4 values - ifn, none, opt and global. The details for each of these schemes are available in the paper.
  • --feat flag has to be a comma-separated list of features. The features that can be used are described in features.py. To know more in detail about what they mean, refer to the paper.
  • You can add your own features by adding a function in features.py and making a corresponding entry in the feature_map.


For detailed results and analysis, please refer to the report.

This code was written as a part of a course assignment in Affective Computing (CSE661) with Dr. Jainendra Shukla at IIIT Delhi during Winter 2020 Semester.

For bugs in the code, please write to: aditya16217 [at] iiitd [dot] ac [dot] in