

Running the jobs

Stay in the root folder of this repository. Specify it as PYTHONPATH env variable so that the package lesson_02 can be found.
Run jobs in separate terminals:

PYTHONPATH=. API_AUTH_TOKEN=<auth token> python lesson_02/job1/ 
PYTHONPATH=. python lesson_02/job2/ 

Checking the jobs

After the jobs are running to check them run in yet another terminal:

BASE_DIR=/tmp/sales python lesson_02/bin/ 
ls -l /tmp/sales/raw/sales/2022-08-09/
ls -l /tmp/sales/stg/sales/2022-08-09/


cd lesson_02/job1/tests
PYTHONPATH=../../../ python -m unittest
cd - 
cd lesson_02/job2/tests
PYTHONPATH=../../../ python -m unittest
cd -