For mentoring my student/mentee to provide them more information of Java Web Technology.
Learning from ground up:
- Setting up environment for learning Java:
- Install JDK or OpenJDK for developing Java project.
- Some early problem is mainly used Text Editor, javac tool, to make sure student understanding what to do without IDE.
- Install very good IDE: Intellij CE.
- Mostly following on NTU open resources for learning Java Core:
- Brief concept of OOP: I always tell my student that: OOP is a philosophy, just apply it in the right way.
- Encapsulation (hiding properties/field)
- Inheritance
- Abstraction
- Polymorphism (i.e Father extends Person, Person extends Object : f -> Father; f is Father, either Person and Object at the same time).
- Java OOP: some limitation of Java OOP implementation versus OOP concept.
- Assignment: OOPList interface support Generic type, and sh*tty implementation of OOPLinkedList.
- International Support for Error see more at
- Main Class for running in exception in
- Using default Logging utils from Java, you can extends to use SFL4J or another lib as well.
# Only support VN, EN, you can add more
sh bin/ <country_code>
# Input your number to Standard Input
# i.e: 0 or 1 or another for working normally
Java support a lot of beautiful Data Structure such as:
- Collections:
as problem in OOP part, ...Set
, ...
I already implemented Binary Search in com.mentoring.searching.SearchCountry