Electricity Bill Splitter and Automatic Database Updater for Abode J303(Chennai) using tkinter and sqlite3


You need to install tkinter and python3 in your computer before running the python code. For that, run the following commands in your terminal:

sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt-get install python3-pil.imagetk

You just need to run the minor_project_db.py only once and for all in your computer, to create the database file. After that, everytime you just need to run the minor_project.py file, and the database will automatically get updated. However, you must be careful the database file does not get deleted from your computer.


  • You need to change the path of the database to a directory of your computer from what is already there in the code (minor_project_db.py).
  • Incase the database file gets deleted ever in future, you just need to update the table in the code (minor_project_db.py) with values when last time bill was paid, and then run the file just once. Then again in future, this file is not needed to be run. The minor_project.py will automatically update the database with the current readings given as input.
Note: Always create the database file with readings of the previous time the bill was paid.