
A Collection of Ridiculously Useful eXtensions for Emacs

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

License GPL 3 MELPA MELPA Stable


A Collection of Ridiculously Useful eXtensions for Emacs. crux bundles a few useful interactive commands to enhance your overall Emacs experience.


Available on all major package.el community maintained repos - MELPA Stable and MELPA repos.

MELPA Stable is recommended as it has the latest stable version. MELPA has a development snapshot for users who don't mind breakage but don't want to run from a git checkout.

You can install crux using the following command:

M-x package-install [RET] crux [RET]

or if you'd rather keep it in your dotfiles:

(unless (package-installed-p 'crux)
  (package-install 'crux))

If the installation doesn't work try refreshing the package list:

M-x package-refresh-contents


crux doesn't setup any keybindings for its commands out-of-the-box.

Here's the list of some suggested keybindings. Feel free to bind individual commands to whatever keybindings you prefer.

Command Suggested Keybinding(s) Description
crux-open-with C-c o Open the currently visited file with an external program.
crux-smart-open-line-above C-S-RET or Super-o Insert an empty line above the current line and indent it properly.
crux-smart-open-line S-RET or M-o Insert an empty line and indent it properly (as in most IDEs).
crux-cleanup-buffer-or-region C-c n Fix indentation in buffer and strip whitespace.
crux-recentf-find-file C-c f or Super-r Open recently visited file.
crux-view-url C-c u Open a new buffer containing the contents of URL.
crux-eval-and-replace C-c e Eval a bit of Emacs Lisp code and replace it with its result.
crux-transpose-windows C-x 4 t Transpose the buffers between two windows.
crux-delete-file-and-buffer C-c D Delete current file and buffer.
crux-duplicate-current-line-or-region C-c d Duplicate the current line (or region).
crux-duplicate-and-comment-current-line-or-region C-c M-d Duplicate and comment the current line (or region).
crux-rename-file-and-buffer C-c r Rename the current buffer and its visiting file if any.
crux-visit-term-buffer C-c t Open a terminal emulator (ansi-term).
crux-kill-other-buffers C-c k Kill all open buffers except the one you're currently in.
crux-indent-defun C-M z Indent the definition at point.
crux-indent-rigidly-and-copy-to-clipboard C-c TAB Indent and copy region to clipboard
crux-find-user-init-file C-c I Open user's init file.
crux-find-shell-init-file C-c S Open shell's init file.
crux-top-join-lines Super-j or C-^ Join lines
crux-kill-whole-line Super-k Kill whole line
crux-kill-line-backwards C-Backspace Kill line backwards
crux-ispell-word-then-abbrev C-c i Fix word using ispell and then save to abbrev.

Here's how you'd bind some of the commands to keycombos:

(global-set-key [remap move-beginning-of-line] #'crux-move-beginning-of-line)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c o") #'crux-open-with)
(global-set-key [(shift return)] #'crux-smart-open-line)
(global-set-key (kbd "s-r") #'crux-recentf-find-file)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-<backspace>" #'crux-kill-line-backwards))
(global-set-key [remap kill-whole-line] #'crux-kill-whole-line)

For crux-ispell-word-then-abbrev to be most effective you'll also need to add this to your config:

(setq save-abbrevs 'silently)
(setq-default abbrev-mode t)

Using the bundled advices

crux ships with some handy advises that can enhance the operation of existing commands.


You can use crux-with-region-or-buffer to make a command acting normally on a region to operate on the entire buffer in the absence of a region. Here are a few examples you can stuff in your config:

(crux-with-region-or-buffer indent-region)
(crux-with-region-or-buffer untabify)


Likewise, you can use crux-with-region-or-line to make a command alternately act on the current line if the mark is not active:

(crux-with-region-or-line comment-or-uncomment-region)


Sometimes you might want to act on the point until the end of the current line, rather than the whole line, in the absence of a region:

(crux-with-region-or-point-to-eol kill-ring-save)

Minor modes


Crux provides a crux-reopen-as-root command for reopening a file as root. This global minor mode changes find-file so all root files are automatically opened as root.


Copyright © 2015 Bozhidar Batsov and contributors.

Distributed under the GNU General Public License; type C-h C-c to view it.