100+ algorithms & data structures generically implemented in C#
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BentleyOttmann: not all intersections are reported.
#45 opened by ng-dm - 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
API Documentation
#38 opened by lucasmontec - 1
I imagine you probably meant to test the AdjacencyList here rather than AdjacencyMatrix
#37 opened by TimeJunkie - 3
- 2
HopcroftKarpMatching Bug
#34 opened by kazimierz-256 - 1
Bipartite Matching Ford-Fulkerson Bug
#35 opened by kazimierz-256 - 1
- 1
- 2
- 1
Graph Clone
#29 opened by JanPalasek - 4
Dijikstra TracePath bug
#5 opened - 3
Release .NetStandard NuGet package
#2 opened by YakhontovYaroslav