
Hide it, why not?

Primary LanguageLogos

Never touching objective-c ever again, worst mistake i ever made Hide it, why the fuck not?

to build it run: make do

make sure you have theos in your path (https://theos.dev/docs/installation for more details)

Here is what it does:

  • Change the carrier label
  • Change the battery percentage label
  • Hide the wifi icon
  • Hide the cellular data icon
  • Hide the time Hide the label under applications
  • Hide the 3 dots on the homescreen
  • Hide the homescreen
  • Hide the dock icons
  • Hide the dock background blur
  • Hide the full dock
  • Hide the notification bubble
  • Hide the full top bar

Rootless works with derootifier but the respring will not work apparently, so you will need another way to respring by yourself, feel free to compile it to rootless yourself to not have to use derootifier if you wish

Big thanks to windi and King Luki for helping me, as this is my first tweak/project!!!

List of supported jailbreaks:

  • Checkra1n
  • Palera1n
  • Dopamine (derootifier)

Unsupported jailbreaks:

  • Taurine-kdf (It works but it behaves very weird and causes random respring and enter safe mode for no apparent reason)

Any other jailbreaks that haven't been mentioned could work but are untested. The build is for ios 14.0 + but if you know what you are doing then you should be able to change it to work on a lower ios version just change the makefile's minimum version.