
A prototype of a course dependency manager focused on providing feedback to users about fulfiling requirements.

Primary LanguageJava


UNBuddy is a prototype of a course dependency manager and was created as the term project of TME3313. Its purpose is to:

  1. Illustrate course dependencies and program requirements to students and automatically determine if a course selection fulfils a given students needs at the moment it's selected.
  2. Compile the various lists of course options, such as eligible basic science electives, technical electives, and complementary study electives, into a single location.
  3. Provide students with an automatic system to validate their dependencies are being met.

The repository contains all implementation details and code related to the UNBuddy prototype for TME3313.

Project Layout

The project uses the standard Maven package layout. More information can be found here.


There are three main components of UNBuddy:

  1. the desktop user interface
  2. ron-engine, the backend engine which reconciles course dependencies
  3. data-model, the

In a perfect world, these would be independent artifacts that link to each other, such that various other clients (web-apps, mobile-apps, CLI, etc.) could be easily made. However, as this is only a prototype and no other clients will be made, they are coupled to the same JAR artifact.

Entry Point

unbuddy/unbuddy_desktop/src/main/java/com/ron_phenomenon/unbuddy/App.java is the main entry point for the desktop user interface, which then calls functions from ron-engine.


The file eclipse-java-google-style.xml specifies the auto-formatting style for IDEs or autoformatters to use. Information about using the format file in vs-code or eclipse can be founde here


The Apache Maven Assembly plugin is used to create a fat JAR containing the compiled project binaries and all required dependencies. Its invocation has been bound to the package Maven goal in the pom.xml file. This will automatically invoke the plugin to generate this fat JAR in the target directory when mvn package is called. More information about Maven's phases, including package can be found in the section Maven Phases of this article


cd unbuddy_desktop
mvn package
java -jar target/unbuddy_desktop-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Any Java IDE should support Maven, too, so that can be set up.