
Not rendered on normal refresh, opnly hard refresh

Opened this issue · 14 comments

Hi, I noticed that the formulas are not rendered when doing normal browser refresh, however, if I do a hard F5 refresh, then the formulas are rendered correctly.



(f * g)[n] = \sum_{m=-\infty}^{\infty} f[m] \cdot g[n - m]


Any work around to this?

Do you have a demo link? If this occurs every time, I think it related to cache or something else, maybe not related to this library

Hi this is one of the links, if you scroll down, first check if the equations or formula are displayed correctly. If not then refresh and see if it changes.


I can not open your link


Wow I was working on this issue all day long yesterday and it later worked on my desktop so I thought all good. This is concerning and still can't understand why its not working.

Pls check now. Looks like I have fixed it.

Same error.. are you open it in your develop machine? can u try open it on your mobile instead?

It opens on my mobile phone

Neither on my mobile.. maybe need a codesanbox link or else online editor.

Is there error when not render the formula?

Let me find a solution to this and will get back to you. Thanks

Pls can you check one more time below link for my website. Its a temp site my hosting just created for me to find out what might be wrong.


I find the resource is different, if open the homepage, them direct to formula page, the networks sources is:

But, if you open the formula page directly, https://fa6e97d4.sitepreview.org/square-root-calculator it have more resources:

Maybe related to this..

Yes, I can open the page yesterday.

But not now..

Sorry but others can view website including Google. Pls do me one more favor, clear cache and try again. Also I see what you mean, if I navigate to the formula page via homepage, it does not show but directly access page, it shows. So in the direct access, I see 4 libraries from MathJax so just wondering why navigating from home isn't loading these extra libraries.

Homepage: Only these libraries are loaded


But Navigating to formula page from here does not load the following


So what could cause this?