
Discord Bot for Day R Survival game

Primary LanguagePython


Discord Bot for Day R Survival game.

Invite link: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=839181905249304606&permissions=387136&scope=bot

Below is the help message of the bot.

I understand the following commands (tag me at the start of the message):
@DayRInfo help
    ❓ Show this help
@DayRInfo link itemName
    🔗 Show the wikilink for the specified item
@DayRInfo recipe itemName
    📜 Show the recipe for the specified item
@DayRInfo info itemName
    🔍 Show the infobox for the specified item
@DayRInfo trader itemName|placeName
    🏛️ Show where we can trade for and from the specified item
@DayRInfo snapshot ("world") ("marker") lat lng (zoom)
    📸 Show a snapshot of the map at the specified location and zoom (-3 to 5).
    If "world" is specified (without quotes) the world map is also shown
    If "marker" is specified (without quotes) a marker will be shown
@DayRInfo location placeName
    📍 Show the location details of the specified place
@DayRInfo distance "place1" "place2"
    📐 Calculate the distance between the two places
• Also, if you tag me on a message containing a link to the interactive Day R map :map: with a location URL, I will send you a snapshot of the location.
• React with :x: to any of my messages to delete it (if I still remember that it was my message)