xtrabackup ---------- This is the xtrabackup module, to configure the wonderful Percona xtrabackup utility to make non-blocking backups Usage ----- You will need to specify credentials for a user with suitable credentials; see http://www.percona.com/doc/percona-xtrabackup/innobackupex/privileges.html#permissions-and-privileges-needed for further details This module creates 'streaming' backups in the xbstream format, by default compressed. Before you can restore, **you must run prepare**. A restore script, /usr/local/bin/mysql-backup-restore is provided which will do this for you. class { "xtrabackup": dbuser => "root", dbpass => "rootdbpass", hour => 3, minute => 0, keepdays => 14, workdir => "/root/backupworkdir", outputdir => "/mnt/nfs/mysqlbackups", } Please note that due to a bug in xtrabackup, your MySQL my.cnf **must** specify datadir. If it doesn't, you should add datadir = /var/lib/mysql to the [mysqld] section. License ------- GNU GPL v2 Contact ------- www.bashton.com Support ------- Please raise an issue on the github project page: https://github.com/BashtonLtd/puppet-xtrabackup Paid support and consultancy for all Bashton Ltd Open Source projects and more besides is available; please see http://www.bashton.com/support/