OreEarn plugin, earn money easily by mining ores and stone.
OreEarn for PocketMine-MP Servers: https://poggit.pmmp.io/p/OreEarn/1.8.1
OreEarn for NukkitX Servers: https://nukkitx.com/resources/oreearn.239/
OreEarn for Spigot Servers (Ported by Mundschutziii): https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/oreearn.66859/
If you need some help with setting up the plugin visit the wiki: https://github.com/SchdowNVIDIA/OreEarn/wiki but if you still need help join our discord!
What you can edit:
- every earning per ore
- every popup message
more settings:
name | description | settings | default |
ignoredWorlds | With this setting, you can disable OreEarn in worlds | ["world"] | [] |
ignoredDropWorlds | With this setting, you can ignore ore drops in worlds (good for mines or smth. like that) | ["world"] | [] |
fortuneFix | Disable or enable the built-in fortuneFix | true/false | true |
fortuneBonus | Disable or enable the money bonus when you break an ore with a fortune enchantment. | true/false | true |
ignoreSilktouch | With this setting, you can disable or enable the bonus for silktouch tools | true/false | true |
enablePopup | Show a popup when a player is mining an ore. (you can edit every message in messages.yml) | true/false | true |
This Plugin includes a (not perfect) fix for fortune pickaxes
- EconomyAPI
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This plugin was made with JetBrains Software.