This project wouldn't be possible without the help of ZAP-Hosting & JetBrains!
Zap-Hosting is a VPS, Rootserver, (Lifetime) Gameserver, Domain & TeamSpeak 3/5 hosting company. They offer good quality servers at a low price. This project was also tested on a ZAP-Hosting Server. So if you need a cheap vps/gameserver/rootserver/teamspeak3/etc. hoster, ZAP-Hosting is the best choice.
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This project was made with the help of JetBrains amazing tools. You can visit JetBrains here.
WhatCrates is a plugin that allows you to make any block you want as a "WhatCrate". Open Crates and win prizes!
- Put the WhatCrates.phar in your /plugins folder.
- Start your server.
- Go into your /plugin_data folder.
- If you want you can change now the raffle-speed and spinning-times in the config.yml
- Go into your WhatCrates.yml
- Setup your WhatCrates there.
- Restart your server.
- Have fun!
/whatcrates key give [player] [type] [amount] /whatcrates ui
whatcrates - gives permission to all whatcrates commands.