Creating a GCP Client Tool in Python


I often find myself reuuing the same bits of code when working with GCP. It is very important to avoid creating multiple development trees of the same classes. I have done this before for large projects. It will lead to a very difficult to maintain stack of tools that will spaghettify over time.

Creating the submodule

Create an empty directory

mkdir gcpuptils

Add the following code to a file

github link to latest file is the link to the file on GitHub.

Initialize like usual

  1. Run git init && git add . && git commit -m 'init'
  2. run gh repo create and follow the prompts
  3. run git push and follow the prompts

Importing into your project

In my example i created a repo at

to importrun git submodule add -b pit to import the latest repo into your current project.

The benefit of doing this is that the code can be reused across every project without having to worry about broken development tress.

Using Google Cloud Storage for Python

Documentation Source:

Install Google Cloud Storage for Python

Run the following

pip install google-cloud-storage

Create the Credentials File for the Application

src =

Run the following and follow the prompts

gcloud auth application-default login

Initializing a client and creating a bucket to test

Source :

project_id = '{YOUR PROJECT}'
gcs = GCSClient(project_id, credentials_path=None)

# List buckets to test client authorization
buckets = gcs.list_buckets()
print("Buckets:", buckets)

# creating a new bucket if it doesn't exist
bucket_name = "loc-scraper"

bucket = gcs.create_bucket(bucket_name=bucket_name)