
WordPress Theme Project Templates using Foundation and Underscores

Primary LanguageCSS


Create a WordPress theme with grunt-init.


If you haven't already done so, install grunt-init.

Once grunt-init is installed, place this template in your ~/.grunt-init/ directory. It's recommended that you use git to clone this template into that directory, as follows:

Linux/Mac Users

git clone git@github.com:mrdink/grunt-wp-foundation.git ~/.grunt-init/wp-foundation

Windows Users

git clone git@github.com:mrdink/grunt-wp-foundation.git %USERPROFILE%/.grunt-init/wp-foundation


At the command-line, cd into an empty directory, run this command and follow the prompts.

grunt-init wp-foundation

Note that this template will generate files in the current directory, so be sure to change to a new directory first if you don't want to overwrite existing files.


Set the following to use un-minified versions of the assets.

define( 'WP_ENV', 'development' );

Install Grunt and Bower

Unfamiliar with npm? Don't have node installed? Download and install node.js before proceeding.

From the command line:

  1. Install grunt-cli and bower globally with npm install -g grunt-cli bower.
  2. Navigate to the theme directory, then run npm install. npm will look at package.json and automatically install the necessary dependencies. It will also automatically run bower install, which installs front-end packages defined in bower.json.

When completed, you'll be able to run the various Grunt commands provided from the command line.

You will need write permission to the global npm directory to install grunt-cli and bower. You will also likely have to be using an elevated terminal or prefix the command with sudo, i.e., sudo npm install -g grunt-cli bower.

Available Grunt commands

  • grunt dev — Compile Sass to CSS, concatenate and validate JS
  • grunt watch — Compile assets when file changes are made
  • grunt build — Create minified assets that are used on non-development environments


Forked from grunt-wp-theme by 10up.