
A python wrapper for Qvod under linux

Primary LanguagePython


PyQvod is a python wrapper for Qvod (in windows) + wine.

You can use PyQvod to easily download a video with a valid Qvod URL from the Internet.


This software package comes with both the source code and a standalone executable free from installation. However, no matter which one you choose, in order to run the Qvod downloader in linux, you have to install wine first.

Wine allows you to run many Windows programs on Linux. Its homepage can be found at WineHQ.org. To install wine in Ubuntu Desktop, you can simply open the software center and search for 'wine'. Alternatively, you can type in the terminal:

sudo apt-get install wine

After installation, no other configuration requires.

Also you need a browser plugin to capture the Qvod URL inside a webpage after you pressing some key. Checkout the 'plugins' directory. You can find plugins for both firefox and chromium.

  • For firefox users, simply drag the .xpi file onto the browser to install.

  • For chromium users, click on the 'customize' icon on the upper-right, then choose 'tools->extensions->Load unpacked extension', select the whole directory 'qvodurlfinder_chromium'. Done.


This wrapper is written in Python with wxPython library, which means that you don't have to compile the code but just interpret the code. Most linux systems come with Python installed, and it's best that you can make sure your Python version is 2.6 or 2.7.

If you don't have Python or wxPython, in Ubuntu type the command:

sudo apt-get install python
sudo apt-get install python-wxgtk2.8

For other linux system or further information, see



Now you are ready to run the code. Again first modify the 'config' file. The main file is 'PyQvod.py'. Also, open the '~/.bashrc' file and add a line as follows:

alias qvod='cd your-path-to-PyQvod/project/src ; python ./PyQvod.py'

This will give you the 'qvod' command.


After launching the software, you can press 'ctrl+e' in firefox or 'ctrl+q' in chromium. If capture succeeds, a Qvod URL will be added into the downloader.


This software is under MIT license, or generally a DWYW (do whatever you want) license.

Any bug, read the code and try fo fix it first. Or you can leave me a message :).

Last update date: 05/26/2013