
Primary LanguagePython

SCCA (Single Crystal Cubic Analysis)

A tool for determining lattice constants of single crystal cubic structures. This project was created to automate the data analysis of Powder XRD sample data for an assessment.


For more specific info: https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html

venv (Python Virtual Environment) ensures that packages required for a project are installed inside of a virtual environment rather than placing random files /packages all over your system.


Open cmd (terminal) and cd into the project directory.


In cmd run the following commands:

  1. run .\setup_environment.bat (setup environment)
  2. run .\environment\Scripts\activate.bat (enter environment)

Mac & Linux

  1. run ./setup_environment.sh (setup environment)
  2. run ./environment/bin/activate (enter environment)


Open cmd (terminal) and cd into the project directory.

All Operating Systems

  1. Make sure you have activated the venv.
  2. run python main.py [xrd_data.path] [wavelength] [normal_multiplier]

Further Info

  • Graphs are placed and XRD data is placed in the data folder.


python main.py data\sample_a.csv 1.78897 2
| Peak # | 2θ (Deg) | Intensities | d (Å) | sin^2(θ) | ratio | integer | hkl       | a (Å) |
| 1      | 52.32    | 259.271     | 2.03  | 0.19     | 1.00  | 2       | (1, 1, 0) | 2.87  |
| 2      | 77.18    | 28.75       | 1.43  | 0.39     | 2.00  | 4       | (2, 0, 0) | 2.87  |
| 3      | 99.65    | 53.75       | 1.17  | 0.58     | 3.00  | 6       | (2, 1, 1) | 2.87  |
| 4      | 123.88   | 20.729      | 1.01  | 0.78     | 4.01  | 8       | (2, 2, 0) | 2.87  |
Average Lattice Constant: 2.87 Å

saving figure: 'data\sample_a.csv.png'...

sample a