
A simple Event/Ticketing system built on the Ethereum blockchain

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Blockchain Ticketing

An event/ticketing system built on the Ethereum blockchain. This project was created for Consensys Academy 2018. This allows any user to create a simple named event with a price and total supply of tickets. The tickets use the ERC 721 standard so they are non-fungible and can be continually traded for resale. Tickets can be bought for an event and the owner of the ticket can prove ownership at the time of the event using a one-time code generated by the event host. After proving validity and ownership of the ticket, the event host can redeem the ticket and allow the participant to enter the event.

I have provided an entire section detailing how this project meets each grading rubric requirement to make it easy on those grading the project. Please scroll all the way down to find this. If you run into a problem while grading please reach out to me via email (calpoog@gmail.com) or in the Ryver course chat (@Calpoog)

Getting Started

You will need to install npm


npm is required for this project to work.

Truffle is required to compile and deploy contracts to a local test blockchain.

npm install truffle -g

To run this project locally you will also need ganache. You can download the GUI version of ganache at https://truffleframework.com/ganache. Further instructions will use the ganache-cli.

npm install -g ganache-cli

Download and install Metamask for Chrome browser at https://metamask.io/

Install and run

Do an npm install in the blockchain-ticketing folder to get all local dependencies

npm install

Start a local ethereum blockchain with ganache-cli


Copy the mnemonic shown in the console. This lets you recall the default account for the ganache blockchain. Open the Metamask plugin in your browser and use the dropdown at the top to change the network to "Localhost 8545." At the bottom, click "Import using account seed phrase." This could open a new window where you have to select "import using seed phrase" again. Once you get to the textarea for pasting the seed phrase, paste the mnemonic you copied from the console and choose a password to use for the next time logging into Metamask.

In another console, run the truffle console to start interacting with the ganache blockchain instance

truffle console

Once in the truffle console, run the compilation of the solidity contracts with


Once this completes, run the migration to move the compiled contracts to the ganache blockchain instance


Run the web front-end

npm run start

This should compile the front-end and open it in browser. If not, make note of the port shown in the console and open the http://localhost:port. If done correctly you should be viewing the web page and the main address in Metamask should be displayed at the top of the web page in the blue header.

Using the web interface

Make sure you are signed into Metamask. If not, sign in and then refresh the web page. You should see Metamask's primary account address displayed in the web page header.

alt text

By default you view the "Participant view." This is what those looking to buy tickets and see their ticket collection would see. In order to buy a ticket, there first must be events in the system. Switch to the "Event Host view" by clicking "Host Event" in the header. Here you can create an event by filling out the form. Name your event, price the tickets (in wei), and determine how many total tickets will be sold. Click create and Metamask will pop up asking you to confirm the transaction. Confirm and you should see a new event appear in the "My Events" list. You can create as many events as you'd like. Each event will be assigned a numeric ID. This is important for buying tickets. An event host would share their event's ID via some kind of marketing.

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To buy a ticket from an event you've created, switch back to the Participant view by clicking "Participate" in the header. Under "Find Events" type in the ID of one of the events you created (They start with ID 0 and increment) and click find. A section should appear showing the details of the event: Event name, ticket price (in wei), total tickets, and tickets remaining. There is also a picture of a kitten for future expansion to IPFS.

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Next, purchase a ticket from a found event using the "Buy" button. This will prompt a Metamask popup and once you confirm a new ticket should appear under "My Tickets."

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Suppose you purchased a ticket to the State Fair. Now that you have a ticket from an event on the blockchain, the next step is to redeem that ticket at the event. You would go to the State Fair, and like most events, there would be people scanning tickets at the entrance. In this case you don't have a physical ticket, but instead a blockchain ticket and by the nature of blockchain, you have to prove that you have ownership of that ticket (since anyone can see public data on the blockchain anyone can see the details of every event and ticket). In order to provide proof that undoubtedly shows ownership, it must be done at the time of redemption. The person scanning the ticket will provide a one-time code that you can then use to create a special cryptographic signature of that code that the event host can use to validate that you are the owner of the ticket. Once the event host validates you own the ticket, they can redeem the ticket on the blockchain and let you enter.

For demo purposes, you will be functioning as both the Event Host and Participant. Open a new Chrome tab and go to the same URL and make sure you are in the "Host Event" section. Click the "Redeem Tickets" button for the event you wish to redeem tickets for. This will display a popup with a button to generate a one-time code. Click this button and a 4 number/letter code will appear. More fields will appear, but for now just copy the one time code.

Move back to your Chrome tab with the Participant view open. Click "Prove Ownership" on a ticket you bought from the above event. A popup will appear where you can enter the code from the event host. Paste in the code and click "Generate Proof." You will receive a Metamask prompt to sign a message. This message is a combination of the ID of the ticket and the code you entered. This generates a QR code. Normally, the event host would scan your QR code but for demo purposes this is difficult when using the same computer for both host and participant and no mobile phones. I have provided a text box below it with the data that is encoded in the QR code. Copy this data (it is long).

Back in your Host Event tab, paste the data you just copied into the "QR Ticket Data" field in the popup you left open. Click "Check Validity." If the ticket is valid and the participant's QR ticket data proved their ownership it will display "Ticket valid!" Try changing the number before the comma or the signature data after the comma and clicking "Check Validity" to see what would happen if the data was invalid. Once it reads "Ticket valid!" you can click "Redeem" to redeem the ticket. Metmask will again prompt for a transaction and once confirmed the popup will read "Ticket redeemed." You can continue to click "Generate Code" to make new codes to validate other tickets for this event.

That's it! You've successfully been both a blockchain Event Host and Participant with public, immutable, non-fungible tickets. This eliminates fake tickets and can be used to eliminate middle-men for ticket purchasing and reselling. Rules could also be assigned to the selling of tickets to limit resale or the value of resale.

Running the tests

Before running the tests you must have a local blockchain running using the ganache-cli


The tests for the solidity contracts are run using truffle. First enter the truffle console

truffle console

Compile the contracts once in the console by running the compile command


Once this completes, migrate the contracts to the ganache blockchain using the migrate command


Finally, the tests can be run with the test command.


Grading rubric requirements

Here I outline how this project meets each of the requirements in the grading rubric. Hopefully this makes it easier for you to identify things without spending too much time!

User interface requirements

Run app on a dev server locally for testing/grading

If you've followed the above instructions, this is complete. The contracts run in the ganache-cli blockchain and the front end runs in the browser when starting with npm.

Should be able to visit URL and interact with the app

If setup properly, the app should be running on a localhost URL.

The applications should have the following features

Display the current account - This is displayed in the blue header of the web app Sign transactions using metamask / uPort - Transactions to create an event, buy a ticket, and redeem tickets are all signed using Metamask. Reflect updates to to the contract state - New events appear in the UI after creating a new event on the blockchain. Same for tickets after buying from an event.


5 tests with with explanations

Each contract (Ticket and Event) has more than 5 tests. The test descriptions are sort of implicit with the test it('description'), but I'll expand upon the tests here.

For both contracts I test that they have correct addresses set for one another. They need references to the other in order for the Event contract to mint (buy) new tickets, and for the Ticket contract to verify that mint and redeem requests only come from the Event contract.

The event contract tests are fairly simple. I needed to test for all the edge cases of creating, buying and redeeming tickets. There is no wrong way to create an event, so validating that new events are added is enough. For buying, edge cases like trying to buy a ticket to a non-existent event and making sure you can only by tickets with the appropriate amount of ETH were tested. Lastly it tests that a ticket can be redeemed (which is only valid from the event contract) and that the redeemed status of a redeemed ticket works properly.

The ticket contract inherits ERC721 EthPM/npm package from openzeppelin. By virtue of this, I did not need to test any of the ERC721 features, only those that I layered on top of it. Thus, I test that only the Event contract can call the protected method to mint (buy) and redeem tickets. It also tests that tickets can be validated and redeemed and the failure cases for those.

Tests are properly structured

All tests follow standard format. They set up context, execute the testable code, then verify that the code worked (or reverted) properly according to the test description.

Tests provide adequate coverage for the contracts

The tests cover all functions and their error cases.

All tests pass

This should be shown while following the testing procedure.

Design pattern requirements

Implement a circuit breaker / emergency stop

The Ticket contract's write functions are protected by only coming from the Event contract. Read functions would still be fine in the event of an emergency that needs to stop the code.

The Event contract implements an emergency stop from the owner. This prevents all writeable functions from running, effectively making only reading event/ticket data possible in the case of an emergency, which prevents any further damage.

Other design patterns used

In addition to circuit breaker, this project uses the following design patterns:

Ownership - Each contract is Ownable and has an owner that allows certain features like the emergency stop or updating the address that each points to the other

Restricting Access - The Ticket contract restricts access to some functions to calls from the Event contract. Both contracts restrict access to multiple functions based on event owner.

Fail Early and Fail Loud - For error conditions in both contracts, require() statements are used to enforce proper calling. This causes reverts before state data can be altered.

As for why other design patterns were not used - they simply were not needed. Things such as withdrawal patterns and contract factories were not necessary to work with the ticketing/event system.

Security Tools / Common Attacks

Explain what measures they’ve taken to ensure that their contracts are not susceptible to common attacks

I've evaded most common attack channels by avoiding their main causes: storing ETH, performing math, and calling external contracts. These can lead to problems like unexpected reverts when refunding, exploits around the withdrawal pattern, under/overflow, and reentrancy.

The only math my contracts do is subtracting 1 from tickets an event has when buying. This avoids underflow because the number is hardcoded (the user can't specify anything that could cause problems) and happens after the check that tickets are greater than 0.

I validate on buy that the amount of ETH sent is exactly the amount necessary to buy the ticket. This means a user can't buy a ticket for cheaper than it costs, but more importantly means I do not have to send extra ETH back to the owner which can cause DoS if it was a contract with a reverting fallback function.

Poison data was not too much of a consideration, but if expanded upon I would check for input sanitation on both front and back-end. For now, it is possible to put in negative numbers for both price and tickets, resulting in unreasonably large unsigned integers stored in the contract. All this does is prevent any user from being able to buy a ticket from an event created this way. Putting in non-numeric values for price and tickets leads to front end errors. Form validation within the front end and some solidity-side sanity checks could remove these edge-cases.

No recursion or heavy computing is done to avoid stack depth issues and running out of gas.

Library / EthPM

At least one contract uses a library or EthPM package

The Ticket contract uses openzeppelin-solidity EthPM/npm package (I used npm, CourseQuestions confirmed this is okay, in order to make installation easier. Only an npm install is required instead of also a truffle install).

The Ticket contract by inheriting from ERC721 also uses the SafeMath library. The math functions provided are used in one of the functions I've extended.

Additional Requirements

Smart Contract code should be commented according to the specs in the documentation

All contract functions are commented using the spec documentation with descriptions, params and returns.

Stretch goals

Testnet Deployment

Contracts deployed on the Rinkeby test network

Ticket.sol - 0x10519000e27921ef9f3e2c8dbdcae2f46d3bb79f

Event.sol - 0x21ec59e832674cb11b46ab5a9ab4b2e161db9cd7

There is one event created (event ID 0) and two tickets have been bought from it. The first ticket (ticket ID 0) has been redeemed.