
A browser game inspired by Super Mario World and Flappy Bird.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Super Mario Cape | Demo

Screenshot of title screen for Super Mario Cape


Super Mario Cape is a browser game inspired by Super Mario World (SNES 1990) and Flappy Bird (Mobile 2013).
Zoom past aerial enemies as Caped Mario to collect stars. Complete four hand-designed levels to beat the game.


We used native JavaScript to implement logic, render images, change styling, and play audio:

  • Object-oriented Programming: Encapsulation, Composition, and Polymorphism.
  • ES6: Constants, Scoped Variables, Arrow Functions, Parameter Handling, Template Literals, Object Shorthand, Destructure Assignment, Modules, and Classes.
  • DOM Manipulation: CSS Styling, Event Listeners, and Creating HTMLElements.
  • Canvas API: 2D Context, Texture Atlas Drawing, and Sprite Sheet Animations.


  • Adobe Illustrator – We traced original image assets for higher image resolutions and bigger sizes.
  • TexturePacker – We combined our image assets to a single file to improve game performance.
  • Audacity – We compressed and clipped soundtracks to reduce game load time.



  • Design actual levels
  • Change background to per level basis
  • Helper functions for spawning enemies
  • Image folder for levels and load.js