Justin Ho
On 18 August, China Quarterly was forced by China to remove 300 articles on its China site. I scraped all the available abstracts of articles and condcuted a simple text analysis in order to find out what is China so afraid of. The full list can be found here.
The codes I used to scrape the abstracts.
list <- readLines("list.txt")
list <- paste(list, collapse=' ')
list <- unlist(strsplit(list, " Published online", fixed = TRUE))
links <- str_extract(list, "https://doi.org/10.1017/S[0-9X]*")
links <- links[-318]
df <- c()
for (i in 1:length(links)){
ab <- read_html(links[i])
title <- ab %>% html_node(xpath = "//*[@id=\"Top\"]/div/div[1]/h1") %>% html_text()
abtext <- ab %>% html_node(xpath = "//*[@id=\"Top\"]/div/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/p") %>% html_text()
}, error=function(e){title <- "Error"
abtext <- "Error"})
df <- rbind(df, c(title,abtext))
df <- as.data.frame(df)
rownames(df) <- 1:length(df[,1])
colnames(df) <- c("Title", "Text")
write.csv(df, file ="abstract.csv", row.names = FALSE, fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
Loading the required packages.
Creating a corpus with the abstracts.
abs <- corpus(readtext("abstract edited.csv", text_field = "Text"))
docnames(abs) <- docvars(abs)$Title
A Document-Feature Martix is created.
abstokens <- tokens(abs, remove_punct = TRUE, remove_numbers = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, remove_url = TRUE)
absdfm <- dfm(abstokens, remove = c(stopwords('english'), "na")) %>%
dfm_trim(min_doc = 5, min_count = 10) %>%
dfm_weight(type = 'tfidf')
Showing the 24 most frequently appeared features.
topfeatures(absdfm, 24)
## chinese revolution political cultural china party
## 92.13836 82.07473 77.71232 77.48064 70.54096 62.87452
## taiwan one communist state falun local
## 61.42696 45.76422 45.50319 45.38794 44.16348 40.73604
## economic new gong movement mao since
## 40.16857 40.16857 39.59485 38.44462 38.39185 37.90688
## china's two also power article tibet
## 36.53004 36.53004 36.42708 36.19803 35.10112 34.07945
Visualising the result. A very brief analysis shows that it seems Cultural Revolution, Taiwan, Falun Gong, Political Movement, Mao and Tibet are the themes that terrify China the most.
textplot_wordcloud(absdfm, min.freq = 1, random.order = FALSE,
rot.per = .1,
colors = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(4,"Dark2"))