
Bash make utility

Primary LanguageShell


Simple Bash build/project utility in the style of rake.

Not trying to reinvent wheel. Most node project Makefiles are just Bash scripts.


npm install bake-bash


Display tasks


Run task

bake <task>

Example Bakefile


function private {
    echo in private

#. Builds the project
function build {
    # ensures clean is called only once
    invoke clean
    bake_ok building ...

#. Cleans the project
function clean {
    bake_ok "cleaning ..."

#. Compiles coffee scripts
function coffee {
    outdated build src || return 0
    coffee -c -o build src
    bake_ok "coffe" "compiled"

function on_task_not_found {
    echo "Task not found $1"


  • bake searches the current and parent directories for a Bakefile to run.
  • Tasks are defined as normal Bash functions.
  • A task description is simply a comment that starts with #. and precedes a function.


Prints a red error message.

bake_error <action> <description>

example: bake_error "compiling" "src/lib/test.coffee"

Prints a plain message.

bake_log <action> <description>

example: bake_log "bake" "Processing bakefile..."

Prints a green ok message.

bake_ok <action> <descsription>

example: bake_ok "compiling" "compiled src/lib/test.js"

Prints a cyan info message.

bake_info <action> <description>

example: bake_info "bake" "built project in 700ms"

Invokes a task only once.

invoke <function_name>

example: invoke "clean"

Determines if target is older than reference, returning 1 if outdated.

outdated <target> <reference>


outdated build src || return 1          # skip rest of task
outdated build src && invoke "compile"  # compile if outdated

Run a dynamic task when task $1 is not found. For example, to run a test as the first argument to bake, add this to Bakefile

function on_task_not_found {
    [[ -f test/$1.js ]] && mocha test/$1.js && return 0
    return 1