This is the source code for
- Next.js as the React framework
- Next.js API Routes for server-side API routes as the backend
- Postgres as the database
- Vercel for deployment
- ChartJS for chart
I am a first year student at UBC, and I'm loving it. But there is always a line at the Place Vanier Food Hall. As a computer science student, I thought of a website to solve this problem. I will post a poster with a qr code. When stuck in line, people will scan said code and it will record the time on the website. Then, others can look at the website and see a graph of when it is the most busy. Allowing people to adjust their schedule accordingly.
$ # Clone the sources
$ git clone
$ # Run the application
$ cd place-vaneir-line && npm install && npm run dev
$ # Start the application at https://localhost:3000.